Cancel order

It is possible to cancel your order?
We always request that you inform us of this as soon as possible by email, stating your order number. The sooner we receive your cancellation, the sooner we can stop processing.

Orders that have already been processed cannot be cancelled. You can return the items upon receipt. View our return policy for this.

The costs for returning products are then for your own account and will not be reimbursed by us. Once your order has been successfully cancelled, your payment obligation will lapse. Any payments will then be refunded as soon as possible. The refund period varies per payment method.

Your order canceled by FLANTASTIC CARDS
In some cases we are forced to cancel your order. An article or an order can be canceled for various reasons:

The article is (yet) not available
The address details are unclear or incorrect

If an order is cancelled, your payment obligation will lapse or you will receive a refund of the amount already paid.